Club Update - Bramley Buffaloes

Hello players, families, friends and supporters.

As you will be aware, we had to curtail this seasons playing activities, due to a lack of players.

Looking towards next year and beyond, we would like to play again, having two adult teams and a masters team. But we can only improve this, by providing a better experience for players, better promotion in the local community, and embrace new thinking and new ideas.

Our Volunteers are spread Too Thinly

We are desperately short of coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, marketing/PR and admin help.

What this means is that the volunteers we do have are working beyond capacity. Doing more roles than they can really manage and therefore not able to provide the enthusiasm, and planning needed.

The fact we are stretched too thinly is why we are struggling, and why we are asking you this question:

“If you want the Buffaloes to exist in the future, what can you do to help?” 

This could be as simple as a commitment of your time in a role we desperately need. But could also be the injection of new ideas, contacts with others who may be able to contribute, or sourcing sponsorship or funding opportunities.

We need volunteers and players for First Team, Second Team and Masters Team. We cannot run these in 2020 unless we have the following volunteers in place by December:

– 1 (or more) x Assistant Coach per group

– 1 (or more) x Team Manager per group

Details of the Team manager role will be forwarded on request.

Other help is also really needed (social media, marketing, first aiders, fundraising etc.) but above are the minimum requirements we need to commit to these teams.

If you are interested, or have a question or suggestion, please contact us on

Planning Meeting in late November 

We plan to hold a meeting on either the evening of 21st November or the morning on Saturday 23rd November (date and location to be confirmed). Where we will assess the situation with these potential team. And also take anyone’s views on how we move forward as a club; what will drive more people to us, and what we can do differently in the future.

Please try to attend, even if you can’t commit any of your time. If you care about the Buffaloes, want to see it continue, and want some input in how the club works, no matter how small, then we want you there!